has replaced this index. Please go there for the updated and expanded Christian Harmony Index.

First Lines (alphabetical):

A charge to keep I have55t  Carolina
A few more days on earth to spend13  Traveler's Hope
327  The Christian's Hope
A home in Heav'n what a joyful thought331  A Home in Heaven
A story most lovely I'll tell252  The Sufferings of Christ
Afflictions, tho' they seem severe100  Tennessee
Again the Lord of life and light417b  Zanesville
Alas! and did my Savior bleed188  He Loves Me
Alas! how poor and little worth531  Little Worth
All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!129  Coronation
All-glorious God, what hymns of praise473  Bartholday
Almighty God in Heav'n above547  Higher Ground
Almighty God, Eternal Lord425t  Exchange
Along the banks where Babel's current flows332  Babylonian Captivity
Am I a soldier of the cross98  Christian Soldier
148  Leander
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound78b  New Britain
382  How Sweet the Sound
And am I born to die?55b  Idumea
281t  Am I Born to Die?
And if you meet with troubles232t  Heavenly Armor
And let this feeble body fail88  Pisgah
157  Hallelujah
And must I be to judgment brought130b  Passing Away
And must this body die?409t  Little Marlborough
Angels, from the realms of glory513  Lakeland
Angels, roll the rock away496b  Resurrection
Another six days' work is done467t  Elparan
Arm of the Lord, awake, awake!479  Triumph
As on life's rugged path I roam12  Gate of Home
As on the cross the Saviour hung113  The Converted Thief
437  The Dying Penitent
Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!168t  Rest
461  Lynn
Attend, young friends, while I relate146t  Solemn Warning
Awake and sing the song21  Webster
Awake the trumpet's lofty sound468b  Laurell
Awake, Jerusalem awake!161b  Awake, Jerusalem
Awake, my soul, in joyful lays196  Loving Kindness
Awake, ye saints, to praise your King449  Cosmer
Awaked by Sinai's awful sound286  Ganges
Away from home, away from friends139  The Wanderer's Grave
Away with our sorrow and fear!500b  Inley
Away with your slumbers, the bright morning skies356  Morning Song
Away, my unbelieving fear!492t  Ramesis
Before Jehovah's awful throne472b  Cleaveland
Before the rosy dawn of day393t  West Point
Begin, my soul, th'exalted lay517  Rapture (Second)
Behold a lovely vine36t  Lovely Vine
Behold how the Lord523  Conquest
Behold the lofty sky45b  Lofty Sky
Behold the morning sun408t  Shirland
Behold what wondrous grace45t  Ila
Beside the gospel pool187  The Gospel Pool
Bless, O my soul, the living God462b  Upton
Bless'd are the sons of peace398b  Gerar
Blest be the dear uniting love548  Macedonia
Blest be the tie that binds53  No Parting There
400t  Christian Love
Blest is the man whose tender care462t  Lotha
Blow ye the trumpet blow293  Lenox
Brethren, don't you hear the sound?318  The Martial Trumpet
Brethren, we have met to worship323  Holy Manna
Bright glories rush upon my sight439  Lydia
Broad is the road that leads to death207t  Windham
Burst, ye emerald gates, and bring311  Elysian
By Babel's streams we sat and wept6  Babel's Streams
By faith we mount the upper skies273  Sing His Praise
By God, how endless is thy love!460b  Gratitude
Cease, ye mourners, cease to languish254b  Talmar
Christ went a building to prepare109  Not Made with Hands
Christian brethren, ere we part222b  St. Louis
Come all, who love my Lord and master329  Redeeming Grace
Come along my dear friends167b  Come Along
Come and taste, along with me319  Weary Pilgrim
Come away to the skies306  Middlebury
Come let us cross this river deep546b  Oak Grove
Come ye that love the Saviour's name417t  Heber
Come, all Christians, be committed213  Be Committed
Come, all ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish242  Come, Ye Disconsolate
Come, all ye young people of ev'ry relation364  Redemption (Second)
Come, Christians, be valiant, our Jesus is near us511  Farewell
Come, gracious Spirit, heav'nly Dove483  Burroughs (New)
Come, Holy Spirit, come, / Let thy bright beams arise25t  Santee
Come, Holy Spirit, heav'nly Dove / With all thy quick'ning pow'rs418b  Union Vale
Come, humble sinner, in whose breast147  Fairfield
150  Salvation
Come, let us anew297  Lucas
Come, let us join our friends above92  Promised Day
Come, little children, now we may267  Louisiana
Come, my soul, and let us try233  Believer and His Soul
Come, O thou traveller unknown199  Vernon
Come, said Jesus' sacred voice497b  Horton
Come, saints, let us join in the praise of the Lamb391  Glad Tidings
Come, sinners, to the gospel feast455t  New Lebanon
Come, sound his name abroad403b  Silver Street
Come, thou fount of ev'ry blessing259b  Olney
261t  Come Thou Fount
291  Warrenton
Come, we that love the Lord36b  Albion
51  Lonsdale
Come, we who love the Lord399t  Lockport
Come, weary souls, with sins distress'd453b  Wakefield
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy510b  Invitation
Dark and thorny is the desert258  Thorny Desert
Dark was the night, and cold the ground450t  Burford
David the king was grieved and moved367  David's Lamentation
Dear friends, farewell, I do you tell5t  Dear Friends, Farewell
11  Minister's Farewell
Death shall not destroy my comfort272  Felicity
Death! 'tis a melancholy day144t  Tribulation
Did Christ o'er sinners weep41t  Mediation
410t  Weeping Saviour
Do not I love thee, O my Lord!167t  Detroit
Down here below, we have our woe186  Lord Remember Me
Draw nigh to us, Jehovah503  Invocation (New)
Early, my God, without delay442  Lanesboro
Earth has engross'd my love too long104  Everlasting Song
Eternal truth hath said407  Sweet Hope (Second)
Eternity draws nigh403t  New Year
Faith is the Christian's prop388  Anchor
Far from the world, O Lord, I flee145t  Milledgeville
Farewell, brother, deep and lowly285  Farewell Brother
Farewell, farewell to all below163b  Burroughs
Farewell, my dear brethren, the time is at hand549t  The Christian's Farewell
Father, glorify thy Son500t  Harts
Father, I stretch my hands to thee76t  Brainerd
Father, whate'er of earthly bliss427  Naomi
Father, who in the olive shade515  Olive Shade
Father's gone and left me alone261b  Alone
Firmly I stand on Zion's hill57  Salvation's Rock
Forever with the Lord49  Forever with the Lord
Friendship, to ev'ry willing mind282  Friendship
From all that dwell below the skies490  Creation (Second)
From ev'ry stormy wind that blows85  Mercy Seat
466  The Mercy-Seat
486t  Retreat
488  Dell of the Woods
From Greenland's icy mountains504  Missionary Hymn
From pleasant trees that shade the brink478b  Sylvan Stream
From the cross uplifted high226b  Haws
499b  Rosefield
From whence does this union arise507t  Union
Gently, Lord! O gently lead us263  Autumn
Give me the wings of faith to rise75  Sprague
Give thanks to God most high520  Harwich
Give to the winds thy fears25b  Brimmer
Glory to God on high28t  Mocksville
Go to dark Gethsemane501  Owen
God is the refuge of his saints459b  Refuge
God of eternity, from thee487  Chester
God of my life, to thee I call163t  Hollis
God of our lives, thy constant care481  Holden
God, from his cloudy cistern195  Garden
Good morning, brother pilgrim190  Salutation
Grace! 'tis a charming sound!26b  Ninety-Third
50  Cranbrook
Great is the Lord! what tongue can frame456t  Blenden
464  Reformation
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah516  Oliphant
Hail the blest morn! see the great Mediator342  Blest Morn
345  The Shepherd's Star
346  Star in the East
Hail the day so long expected165  Babylon is Fallen
Hail! ye sighing sons of sorrow271  The Mouldering Vine (First)
438  The Mouldering Vine
Hail, sacred truth! whose piercing rays451t  Shepherd (First)
Hark! don't you hear the turtle dove10  Zion's Dove
Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound!145b  Fiducia
146b  Bangor
Hark! hark! a Saviour's voice!378  Mount Hope
Hark! listen to the trumpeters!110  Volunteers
411  The Trumpeters
Hark! my soul, it is the Lord224b  Hark My Soul
Hark! the glad sound, the Saviour comes103  Derrick
Hark! the jubilee is sounding257  Jubilee
Hark! what means those holy voices534  Angels Singing
Hark, how the gospel trumpet sounds!530  Urmund
Hark, ten thousand harps and voices264  Harwell
Hasten, Lord, the glorious time230t  Eltham
Hasten, sinner, to be wise499t  Hasten Sinner
He comes! he comes! to judge the world152b  Messiah
Hear the joy-bells sweetly ringing42  Joy Bells
Hear the royal proclamation326  Royal Proclamation
Hear what the voice from heav'n proclaims445  Revelation
Hear, gracious God, my humble moan423b  Benediction
Heav'nly Father, sov'reign Lord496t  Wilmot
He's gone! the spotless soul is gone214  Hosanna
High in the heav'ns, eternal God460t  Bohemia
High in yonder realms of light229  Tranquility
High o'er the hills the mountains rise208b  French Broad
His voice, as the sound of the dulcimer sweet339  Samanthra
Hither, ye faithful, haste with songs of triumph347  Portuguese Hymn
How beauteous are their feet30t  Zion's Joy
48  Mount Helicon
How blest the sacred tie that binds484  Olivet
How charming is the place400b  Hall
How condescending and how kind63t  Condescension
288  Morris
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord338t  How Firm a Foundation
How happy ev'ry child of grace433  New Haven
How long, dear Saviour, oh, how long89  Northfield
How lost was my condition246  The Good Physician
How pleasant, how divinely fair458  Rolland
How pleas'd and bless'd was I290  Amity
How shall the young secure their hearts416b  Edwards
How sweet the hour of closing day457b  Evening Chant
How sweet the melting lay27t  Morning Worship
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds86t  Ortonville
How sweet 'tis to think, when this life fades away348  We've a Mansion in Heaven
How sweetly flowed the gospel sound486b  Lisle
How tedious and tasteless the hours249  Green Fields
532  Boerne
I am a great complainer236b  Complainer
I am a stranger here below164b  The Pilgrim's Song
I am going home today131  Will You Meet Me?
I am longing for the coming180  The Sinless Summerland
I am still rejoicing in victory320  Longing for the Day
I beheld, and lo, a great multitude which no man could number374  Heavenly Vision
I came to the place where the lone pilgrim lay341  The Lone Pilgrim
I come, I come to thee, my God!164t  Convict
I dreamed I was out, to the east cast mine eye392  Imandra
I find myself placed in a state of probation363  The Christian Warfare
I have heard of a land184  Where We'll Never Grow Old
I heard a great voice from heav'n, saying unto me540  Funeral Anthem
I heard the voice of Jesus say1  Weary Rest
I know my Lord will pilot me204t  What a Day
I know that my Redeemer lives208t  He Lives
I love my blessed Saviour314  The Christian
I love the Lord for what he's done193  Kay
I love the volume of thy word491  Nashville
I love Thee, Oh my God316  This Heavy Load
I love to see the Lord below128t  Hester
I love to steal awhile away70b  Brown
I love to tell the story343  Tell the Story
I sing a song which doth belong 101  An Address for All
I sing a song which doth belong155  Solemn Call
I want to be an angel238  Child's Wish
239b  I Want to Be an Angel
I would not live alway; I ask not to stay354  Summer
If your life is a burden and the way seems all blue544  Life's Troubles
I'll gladly serve my blessed Lord14  I'll Serve My Lord
I'll praise my Maker with my breath489  Ridge
I'm a weary wayworn soldier305  The Weary Soldier
I'm dying, mother, dying now122  The Dying Boy
I'm not ashamed to own my Lord54  My Trust
I'm on my way with Christ today170  On My Way
I'm pressing onward day by day296  He's Holding My Hand
I'm weary of the pain168b  Sunrise
In de dark woods, no Indian nigh287  Indian Convert
In evil long I took delight63b  Pardoning Love
In ev'ry trying hour30b  Dennis
In mercy, Lord, remember me76b  Night
111b  Judkins
In seasons of grief to my God I'll repair350  The Rock
In sin's dark prison I was bound20  Prison Chains
In the Christian's home is glory539  Rest for the Weary
In the flood of tribulation277  Sweet Affliction
In the floods of tribulation223  Hallelujah! Praise The Lord
Is it far to that beautiful home253  Is It Far?
I've listed in the holy war210b  Contented Soldier
Jehovah is my sov'reign God7  Jehovah is My God
Jerusalem, my happy home159b  Long Sought Home
Jesus drinks the bitter cup505  Waterford
Jesus! and shall it ever be185  Corinth
368t  Brush Creek
Jesus, grant us all a blessing269b  Invocation
Jesus, I love thy charming name133  Juniata
429  Charming Name
Jesus, I my cross have taken250b  Disciple
260t  Bavaria
Jesus, let thy pitying eye312  Penitence
Jesus, Master, hear me now506  Dying Love
Jesus, my all, to heav'n is gone211t  Hopewell
215  In That Morning
217  Jerusalem
337  To Die No More
Jesus, my Shepherd, Husband, Friend69  Rocky Mount
Jesus, refuge of my soul225b  Martin
Jesus, the Savior was born in a manger18  Praise Our Redeemer
Jesus, thou soul of all our joys283  Willowby
Jesus, who knows full well401t  Tillotson
Joy to the world, the Lord is come!62b  Joy to the World
137  Antioch
Just over Jordan's stormy wave334  Jordan's Stormy Wave
Lady touch thy harp again82t  Lady Touch Thy Harp Again
Let ev'ry creature join8  Creation (First)
52  Newburg
Let ev'ry mortal ear attend59t  Mear
Let me go to my home in the far distant West365  The Indian's Petition
Let me go, the day is breaking509t  Break of Day
Let not despair nor fell revenge67b  Dundee
Let thy kingdom, blessed Saviour509b  The Good Shepherd
Life is the time to serve the Lord174b  Burning Lamp
455b  Rockbridge
Lift up your hearts to things above118  Campbell
Light of those whose dreary dwelling396t  Adams
Lo! on a narrow neck of land336b  Probation
Lo, what a glorious sight appears432t  Loftin
Look, ye, saints, the sight is glorious514  Crown
Lord of mercy and of might321  Hear and Save
Lord, hear the voice of my complaint412t  Howard
Lord, I approach thy mercy seat440t  Beulah
Lord, I cannot let Thee go395  King of Peace
Lord, in the morning thou shalt hear413t  Warwick
Lord, in the strength of grace397t  Hants
Lord, let Thy goodness lead our land74  God's Helping Hand
Lord, shed a beam of heav'nly day394  Stubborn Heart
Lord, what a feeble piece410b  Kambia
Lord, when my thoughts delighted rove478t  Brentford
Lord, when thou didst ascend on high470  Duke Street
Lord, while for all mankind we pray130t  Sacred Love
Loud roars the wind and wild the tide436b  It Is I
Love Divine, all loves excelling510t  Aberdeen
May Christ, the Savior be made known15  My Consolation
May God His richest blessings give64  Youthful Blessings
"Mercy, O thou son of David!"254t  Bartimeus
"Mercy, O thou Son of David!"269t  Restoration
'Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaints351  Sweet Home
Might I but climb Pisgah's top447  Mount Pisgah
Mine eyes are now closing to rest380  Christian Song
Morn of Zion's glory526  Zion's Glory
Morning breaks upon the tomb493b  Day-Star
Mother tell me of the angels274  Mother Tell Me of the Angels
Mother, they say the stars are bright80  The Blind Girl
Must Jesus bear the cross alone81t  Maitland
My brethren all, on you I call17  Call to Arms
266  Chrystler's Field
My brother, awake, and sing the sweet story162  Redeemed Singers
My Christian friends, in bonds of love200  Parting Hand
My days, my weeks, my months, my years79  Kingwood
My dearest, lovely, native land102  Missionary's Adieu
My Father's house on high31t  Home
My God, my portion, and my love44b  Dunlap's Creek
My God, the spring of all my joys90  Brightest Days
421b  Caddo
My heav'nly home is bright and fair179  Traveling On
542  The Heavenly Home
My hope is built on nothing less142  The Solid Rock
My Jesus walks with me on my journey372  I Won't Turn Back
My latest sun is sinking fact117  Angel Band
My maker and my king405t  Honeywel
My Saviour, my almighty Friend414  Friend
My Shepherd will supply my need107  Resignation (First)
541  Resignation (Second)
My soul, be on thy guard22t  Laban
405b  Caution
My soul, come meditate the day135  Raymond
My soul, repeat His praise56t  America
My soul, repeat his praise402b  Kelso
No more beneath th'oppressive hand134  Liberty
No war nor battle sound527  Prince of Light
Not from the dust affliction grows432b  Fish Pond
Now begin the heav'nly theme218t  Cookham
Now for a tune of lofty praise456b  Endor
Now let me rise, now let me rise430  Let Me Rise
Now let our voices join23t  Phillippi
Now may the Lord reveal his face73t  Ella's Song
Now see the Saviour stands pleading256t  Pleading Savior
Now your festal rites prepare315  David's Victory
O cease, my wand'ring soul24t  Volusia
397b  Bedan
402t  Olive Leaf
O come, come away! the Sabbath morn is passing358  O Come, Come Away
O come, loud anthems let us sing210t  Old Hundred
O for a closer walk with God!144b  Walk with God
151  Sweet Prospect
241  Closer Walk with God
362  Shining Light
425b  Ryland
O for a sight, a pleasing sight457t  Ware
O for a thousand tongues to sing61b  Gaines
295  Redeemer's Praise
419t  Rockingham (First)
O happy day that fixed my choice194  O Happy Day
O hearken, sinners, we have cause262  Collins
O joyful sound of gospel grace!62t  Sweet Hope (First)
O listen to our wondrous story60  What Did He Do?
O Lord, our heav'nly King32t  Rayfield
O may I worthy prove to see121t  Prosperity
O praise the Lord in that blest place482  Gray
O sacred head, now wounded528  Throne of Glory
O tell me where the Dove has flown59b  Dove of Peace
O tell me, young friends, while the morning's fair and cool309  Singing School
O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies303  The Unclouded Day
O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight338b  Davis
O thou that hear'st when sinners cry492b  Supplication
O thou who driest the mourner's tear!116  Floyd
O we have lost a precious flow'r279  Lecil
O when shall I see Jesus235  Faithful Soldier
244t  Mutual Love
247  Oh! How Charming
O Zion, tune thy voice522  Newbury
O, happy time long waited for308  The Happy Time
O, sing to me of heav'n56b  Sing to Me of Heaven
O'er the gloomy hills of darkness512  Missionary Song
Oh bless the Lord, my soul / Let all within me join408b  Dartmouth
Oh happy is the man who hears66t  Balerma
Oh how happy are they307  True Happiness
Oh if my soul were formed for woe192  The Penitent
Oh praise the Lord in that blest place468t  Mendon
Oh render thanks to God above469  Pilesgrove
Oh render thanks, and bless the Lord444  Broomsgrove
Oh tell me no more of this world's vain store!336t  Sweet Harmony
Oh that I could repent409b  Newingham
Oh 'twas a joyful sound to hear412b  Colchester
435  Shenley
Oh when we feel the pow'r of Christ5b  Always Something New
Oh when will the period appear47  Panting for Heaven
Oh! thou, whose tender mercy hears66b  The Penitent's Prayer
Oh, could I speak the matchless worth518  Ariel
Oh, could our thoughts and wishes fly276  Worlds Beyond the Sky
423t  Coventry
Oh, for a breeze of heav'nly love95  Canaan's Land
Oh, happy they who know the Lord452t  Head
Oh, happy time, long waited for!154  Happy Time
Oh, if my soul were form'd for woe156  Repentance
Oh, let our thoughts and wishes fly440b  Robinson
Oh, once I had a glorious view153  Columbus
Oh, when shall we sweetly remove508  Heavenly Rest
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand72t  Jordan
87  The Promised Land
On the mountain's top appearing280  Zion
Once more my soul, the rising day61t  North Carolina
67t  Peterboro
450b  Consolation
One there is above all others507b  Sicily
Our bondage it shall end, by and by, by and by360  The Saints Bound for Heaven
Our home once was bright and fair68  Bright Mansions
Our Jesus came into the world268  Come Ye to the Waters
Out on an ocean all boundless we ride355  Homeward Bound
Pass me not, O gentle Savior228  Pass Me Not
Pilgrims on the way to glory9  Cords of Love
Pilgrims, with pleasure let us part203  Cumberland
Planted in Christ, the living vine197  The Living Vine
Plung'd in a gulf of dark despair383  Azmon
Poor mourning soul! in deep distress265  Mourner's Lamentation
Poor, weak and worthless tho I am221b  Poor, Weak, and Worthless
Praise the Lord, his glory bless222t  Praise
Praise ye the Lord, let praise employ474  Rothwell
Rejoice, the Lord is King294  Carmarthen
Religion is the chief concern99  Pleasant Hill
Remember thy Creator237  Remember Thy Creator
Remember thy creator God71  The Peaceful Shore
Remember, sinful youth, you must die, you must die361  Solemn Thought
"Repent!" the voice celestial cries78t  Repent
Return, my wand'ring soul, return475  Portugal
Rise, crown'd with light, imperial Salem, rise!390  Crown of Light
Rock of ages, shelter me!226t  Rock of Ages
Salvation! O, the joyful sound!58b  Primrose
Saviour, the world's, and mine300  Desire
Saviour, visit thy plantation260b  Shields
Saw ye my Saviour? Saw ye my Saviour?537  Crucifixion
Say now, ye lovely social band216b  Social Band
See how the morning sun44t  Morning Sun
See how the Scriptures are fulfilling330  Fulfillment
See how the wicked kingdom244b  The Christian's Conflict
See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand415t  Nazareth
See the Lord of glory dying!270  Lena
See what a living stone39  A Precious Stone
Shall men pretend to pleasure236t  Pacolet
Shall wisdom cry aloud28b  Watchman (First)
Shed not a tear o'er your friend's early bier335  When I am Gone
Shepherds rejoice! lift up your eyes198  News From The Skies
Shepherds, rejoice! lift up your eyes443  Christmas
Shout to Jehovah, all the earth453t  De Beza
Show pity, Lord, O Lord, forgive159t  Devotion (First)
211b  Humble Penitent
216t  O, Save
Sin and doubt in my soul138  Rest in the Kingdom
Since man, by sin, has lost his God93  Something New
Sinner, oh why so thoughtless grown?171  Sessions
Sister, thou wast mild and lovely545  Mount Vernon
So many strive this world to gain278  God Holds the Future
Soft, soft music is stealing239t  Soft Music
Softly fades the twilight ray225t  Kenan
Soldier, go - but not to claim317  The Christian Soldier
Soldiers of the cross, arise313  Bruce's Address
Some bright morning we shall 182  A Happy Meeting
Somebody's mother, praying tonight284  Don't Grieve Your Mother
Sometimes a light surprises234  The Singing Christian
Songs anew of honor framing396b  Waynsville
Stay, sinner, stay; the night comes on387  Stay, Sinner
Stay, thou insulted Spirit, stay465t  Breaker
471b  Hesperia
Sweet hour of pray'r, sweet hour of pray'r206  Prayer Meeting
Sweet is the day of sacred rest256b  Sacred Rest
Sweet is the work, my God, my King494  Hingham
Sweet rivers of redeeming love106  Sweet Rivers
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing281b  Palmetto
Sweet the time, exceeding sweet!497t  Acton
Sweet was the time when first I felt451b  Devotion (Second)
Teach me the measure of my days448t  Suffield
Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonder143  Farther Along
That glorious day is drawing nigh114  That Glorious Day
115  The Millennium
That Jesus hears when children pray72b  Joyful News
The chariot! the chariot! its wheels roll in fire357  The Trumpet
The Christmas morning now has come3  Christmas Morning
The church has waited long46b  Waiting Church
The counsels of redeeming grace446  Damascus
The cross of Christ inspires my heart152t  Cross of Christ
The day is drawing near, I know34  Going Home
The day is past and gone23b  Evening Hymn
The day of days will be the hour19  The Day of Days
The faithless world promiscuous flows533  Prospect of Heaven
The finest flow'r that e'er was known16  The Finest Flower
The glorious light of Zion243  Zion's Light
The God who reigns on high302  Olivers
The grand highway is free from ev'ry sin172  The Grand Highway
The heav'ns declare thy glory, Lord467b  Uxbridge
The hill of Zion yields46t  The Hill of Zion
The Lord is ris'n indeed41b  Ardor
The Lord is ris'n indeed! Hallelujah!369  Easter Anthem
The Lord Jehovah reigns227  Majestic Rays
519  Dalston
The Lord my precious Shepherd is298  My Shepherd Guides
The Lord my shepherd is404t  Rosalie
The Lord proclaims his pow'r aloud476t  Effingham
The Lord, the sov'reign King398t  St. Thomas
The Lord, the Sov'reign King543  Chase High Road
The Lord, the Sov'reign, sends his summons forth536  Symphony
The morning light is breaking240  Morning Light
The pity of the Lord35b  Boylston
The promise of my Father's love413b  Barby
The spirit in our hearts22b  Sinner Come
The time is soon coming, by the prophets foretold366  Millennium (First)
The time is swiftly rolling on86b  Hicks' Farewell
The time will come when we must part40t  Mamie
The watchmen blow the trumpet round205  The Watchman's Call
Thee we adore, Eternal Name448b  Coleshill
There are lov'd ones gone before us324  Fair Fields of Eden
There is a fountain filled with blood91  There is a Fountain
125b  Day Dawn
419b  Fountain
421t  Seymour
There is a happy land289  Happy Land
There is a land of pure delight121b  Greensboro
158  The Land of Rest
436t  Turner
There is a land, a happy land422b  Whitney
There is a name I love to hear175  O How I Love Jesus
There is a resting place38  God Is Our Refuge
There is a star, a guiding star97  The Guiding Star
There is a world we have not seen202  Immensity
There is an hour of peaceful rest426  Tappan
There upon the cross of Calvary349  Redemption (First)
There's a beautiful land far beyond the sky178  That Beautiful Land
This is the day the Lord hath made70t  Arlington
This world is not my resting place / by faith I trust in His grace385  Sweet Heaven
This world is not my resting place / I seek a better home than this37  Heaven's My Home
Tho we have our troubles in this world below149  A Good Time Coming
Those evening bells, those evening bells204b  Evening Bells
Those millions just over the sea220  Over the Sea
Thou art my portion, O my God73b  Downs
Thou dear Redeemer, dying Lamb416t  Fragrance
Thou great Instructor, lest I stray465b  Welton
Thou Man of griefs, remember me493t  Kedron
Thou whom my soul admires above476b  Shepherd (Second)
Thou, who didst stoop below389  Crown of Victory
Though nature's strength decay301  John Street
304  Blue Vale of Nauchoochee
Through all the world below299  Green Meadows
Thus far the Lord has led me on452b  Hebron
Thy name, Almighty Lord32b  Zellville
Thy praise, O Lord, shall tune the lyre471t  Rockingham (Second)
Thy works of glory, mighty Lord126  Ocean
Time, what an empty reaper111t  Fleeting Days
'Tis by thy strength the mountains stand415b  Henry
'Tis religion that can give218b  Harmony
368b  Sweetest Pleasure
To all who sing the sacred song33  Angel Choir
To God in whom I trust65  The Golden Hill
To God we owe our life and breath4  Copeland
To God, in whom I trust24b  Fredrica
399b  Thatcher
To leave my dear friends, and with neighbors to part353  Bower of Prayer
To see a pilgrim as he dies124  Pilgrim's Triumph
To the land up above120  Home in the Sky
To those who know the Lord I speak546t  The Holy Spirit
To thy pastures, fair and large221t  Pleyel's Hymn
498  Hendon
To us a child of hope is born428  Zerah
Today, if you will hear his voice191  Oh! Turn, Sinner
207b  Meditation
Triumphant Zion! lift thy head463  Anvern
Truly blessed is this station259t  Crumly
'Twas in the watches of the night422t  Boswell
'Twas on that dark and doleful night209  The Lord's Supper
Twilight is stealing over the sea248  Twilight is Falling
Up from the shore of far Galilee82b  Gospel Waves
Up to the fields, where angels lie480  Salineville
Wake the song of Jubilee230b  Amboy
Wake! Isles of the South! your redemption is near538  Isles of the South
Wake, O my soul, and hail the morn477  Park Street
Watchman, tell me, does the morning255  Watchman (Second)
We are trav'ling to a better land189  One by One
We have our trials here below212  Christian Prospect
We have our troubles here322  Among that Band
We know that all things work together112  Bush Hills
We may not know, we cannot tell2  O Wondrous Love
We read of a place that's called heaven77  How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
We shall see a light appear, by and by, when he comes310t  Our Journey Home
We speak of the realms of the blest250t  Realms of the Blest
We yearn for the treasures beyond the sky176  Heavenly Treasures
Weary sinner, keep thine eyes310b  Weary Sinner
Weeping sinners, dry your tears40b  Weeping Sinners
Welcome, sweet day of rest35t  Lisbon
Well met my loving friends of art132  Musical Society
We're trav'ling home to heav'n above325t  Will You Go?
We're trav'ling to the grave549b  The Drone
What a glad and glor'ous morning84  Homeland
What can I do for my dear King166  What Can I Do?
What shall I render to my God / For all His kindness shown?420  Cambridge
What wondrous love is this! O my soul! O my soul!359  Wondrous Love
What wondrous mighty work is this96  Mighty Love
What's this that in my soul is rising?328  Mercy's Free
When all thy mercies, O my God94  Plenary
105t  Tender Care
386  Spartanburg
When for eternal worlds we steer495  The Sailor's Home
When God revealed His gracious name219  Rapture (First)
When I can read my title clear128b  Ninety-Fifth
160  The Saint's Delight
When I can trust my all with God535  Trial's Hour
When I shall stand at the Judgment of God384  Lord I'm Depending on You
When I survey the wondrous cross105b  Hamburg
When shall we all meet again?231  Indian's Farewell
When shall we meet again?524  When Shall We Meet Again
When the midnight cry began29  The Midnight Cry
When the warfare is over81b  Eternal Joys
When time has come for me to lay my burdens down352  My Home on High
Whene'er I cross the stream of death325b  Jesus Died For Me
While beauty and youth are in their full prime344  Morality
While beauty clothes the fertile vale431  Dungeness
While I'm imprisoned here below108  Redeeming Love
While in this vale of sorrow292  Grief of Love
While my Redeemer's near404b  Arion
While shepherds watch'd their flocks by night136  Sherburne
Who is this that comes from far245  Bozrah
Who shall ascend thy heav'nly place459t  All-Saints
Why do I fear the darkest hour232b  Olean
Why should we mourn departing friends?393b  China
Why should we start and fear to die?125t  Endless Joy
174t  Prospect
472t  Sunset
Wide, ye heav'nly gates, unfold502  Eton
With joy thy people stand26t  Golden Hill
With joy we hail the sacred day418t  Chimes
With songs and honors sounding loud140  Edom
Work, for the night is coming333  Night is Coming
Worship, and thanks, and blessing529  Worship
Wrapt in the silence of the night43  The Heavenly Throng
123  Rapturous Scene
Ye Christian herald, go, proclaim127  Herald
Ye glitt'ring toys of earth, adieu434  Nobler Choice
Ye messengers of Christ27b  Missionary Herald
Ye nations round the earth, rejoice161t  Wells
Ye objects of sense, and enjoyments of time340  Concord
Ye servants of the Lord31b  Time
Ye tribes of Adam, join521  Darwell
Ye weary, heavy-laden souls119  Weary Souls
441  The Lonesome Dove
Yes, God himself hath sworn525  Goodly Land
Yes, I will bless thee, O my God424  Nightingale
Yes, my native land, I love thee275  Missionary's Farewell
Yes, 'tis a rough and thorny road485  Quito
Young people all, attention give / And hear what I shall say58t  Liverpool
Young people all, attention give / While I address you in God's name201  Mission
Your harps, ye trembling saints401b  Euphrates
406  Luther
Zion, awake! thy strength renew454  Heavenly Light (or Eden)