has replaced this index. Please go there for the updated and expanded Christian Harmony Index.

Composers (alphabetical):

Alden, D. P.
Allen, George N.
Alwood, J. K.
Arne, Dr. Thomas A.
Atchley, P. M.
Baker, N.
Barthélémon, François H.
Baxter, J. R.
Beveridge, Lawrence
Billings, William
Bishop, Sir Henry
Bland, A. P.
Blocker, A. A.
Bobo, William
Bond, S. B.
Boyd, R.
Bradbury, William B.
Bradshaw, William
Breedlove, Leonard P.
Bronson, Oliver
Brown, S. M.
Brown, J. M. & J. C.
Bryan, M. F.
Burroughs, E. P.
Bushey, J. C.
Buttrum, Everett J.
Byrd, Mrs. Thurman
Cagle, A. M.
Caldwell, William
Calvert, Elsie
Canant, Remus A.
Carrell, James P.
Carter, T. W.
Chandler, W. D.
Chapin, Amzi
Chapin, Lucius
Christopher, James
Christopher, James C.
Churchill, A. R.
Clark, Thomas
Clark, Alexander
Cofer, P. A.
Cole, William
Cole, John
Coles, Rev. G.
Cook, T. J.
Corelli, Archangelo
Dadmun, J. W.
Dare, Rev. Elkanah Kelsay
Davidson, R. H.
Davis, M. C. H.
Davisson, Ananias
De Beza, Theodore
Deason, John
Deason, John H. and Henry M.
Deason, Arthur L.
Denson, S. Whitt
Denson, S. M.
Doane, W. H.
Donaho, Carl
Doss, G. S.
Douthit, James G.
Dumas, Elder Edmund
Dunagan, John
Durham, Miss Mathilda
Dyer, Miss Avanell
E., L. C.
Edson, Lewis
Emerson, L. O.
Engle, H. E.
English Theme,
Evans, John M.
Fillmore, A. D.
Fischer, William G.
Franc, Guil
Frederick, E. Foy
Frederick, Floyd M.
French, Jacob
Gardner, Mrs. Mary Kitchens
Genuine Church Music,
German Air,
Gill, W.
Givens, D. J.
Gluck, Christoph Willibald
Godsey, Palmer
Golightly, William
Graham, F. M.
Gramling, Rev. Andrew
Gregorian Chant,
Hall, Amarick
Hamlin, Rev. J. R.
Hamrick, Raymond
Handel, G. F.
Handley, O. H.
Harris, L. B.
Hastings, Dr. Thomas
Hatton, J.
Hauser, Rev. Dr. William
Haydn, Franz Joseph
Haydn, Michael
Herron, R.
Hesperian Harp,
Hocutt, John T.
Holden, Oliver
Holdroyd, Israel
Holliday, F. B.
Hollingsworth, Billy
Holloway, A. G.
Holmes, William C.
Huss, John
Ingalls, Jeremiah
Jenkins, William H.
Jenks, Stephen
Johnson, Alexander
Jones, A.
Jones, L. J.
Jones, W.D.
King, E. J.
King, Oliver
Kingsley, George
Kirkpatrick, W. J.
Kitchens, J. Elmer
Knapp, William
Langston, William H.
Lewis, C.
Lewis, William I.
Loftin, T. W.
Lowry, J. C.
Lucas, James
Luther, Martin
Lyman, C. C.
Malan, Rev. Dr. Henri Abraham Caesar
Manly Jr., Rev. Basil
Mann, Henry G.
Marsh, S. B.
Mason, Lowell
Massengale, John
McCloud, Rev. Mr.
McCurry, John G.
McDonald, Rev. William
McGlasson, Marcus Justin
McGraw, Hugh
McIntosh, R. M.
Mercer, Col. John
Merritt, John Newton
Miller, Dr. J. P.
Minshall, Wyatt
Mitchell, N.
Montague, William L.
Moore, J.W.
Moore, James C.
Moss, J. H.
Mozart, W. A.
Mullins, William L.
Munson, R. D.
Nageli, Hans George
Nicholson, M. L.
Oakley, William H.
Owen, W.
Parris, O. A.
Parris, H. A.
Pierpont, Rev. J.
Pleyel, Ignaz Joseph
Plunkett, John
Pond, S. B.
Poole, Rev. J. B.
Price, F.
Purcell, Henry
Putnam, Coy
Randall, Dr. John
Rayford, L. M.
Read, Daniel
Rees, J. P.
Reese, H. S.
Rigdon, William B.
Rimbault, E. F.
Robertson, Rev. John
Robinson, George O.
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Saunders, G. B.
Schein, John Hermann
Schmidt, J. P.
Shoel, Thad.
Showalter, A. J.
Shultz, P. A.
Smith, Col. D. H.
Smith, F.
Smith, Eld. Donald R.
Sosebee, Rev.
Southern Harmony,
Stevens, T. M.
Street, J.
Swan, M. L.
Swan, Timothy
Taylor, Virgil Corydon
Terry, John S.
The American Musical Miscellany,
The Western Harmony,
Thomas, Dr. W. J.
Thomson, J. H. D.
Turner, M. H.
Unseld, B. C.
Vaughan, John B.
Vaughan, James D.
Volk, Franz
W., J. B.
Wade, J. A.
Wade, John Francis
Walker, David
Walker, William
Walker, Franklin Boyd
Wall, J. D.
Wartensee, Xavier Schnyder von
Watson, John A.
Webb, George James
Western Melody,
White, B. F.
White, Jesse T.
Williams, W. L.
Williams, J.
Williams, Aaron
Williford, W. Elmer
Wisener, Rev. J. C.
Woodard, C. B.
Woodard, T. P.
Woodbury, I. B.