Computer Programming
Under development: Medium for Observing Diatonic Voice-Leading Operations (MODVLO7),
an abstract environment for exploration of analytical musical interpretations
TAMA, a class library for Post-Functional Music Analysis. (This link takes you to the TAMA package API.)
What is Post-Functional Music?
Equation Graphing Tool (This link will run the Applet).
Morse Code Translator (This link will run the Applet).
Caesar Cypher Translator (This link will run the Applet).
Ascii Character Translator (to/from Hex or Dec) (This link will run the Applet).
Translator of Key to Prelude and Fugue Number (This link will run the Applet).
Traditional Key Schemes for Works in All 24 Keys (This link will NOT run any Applets).
Pitch Class Set Analysis Tool (This link will run the Applet).
What is a Pitch Class Set? (This link will NOT run any Applets).
12-Tone Matrix Generator (This link will run the Applet).
What is a Matrix? (This link will NOT run any Applets).
Melodic Contour Analyzer (This link will run the Applet).
What is Contour Analysis? (This link will NOT run any Applets).
Tool for Exploring Harmonic Prolongation (This link will run the Applet).
What is Prolongational Analysis? (This link will NOT run any Applets).
Prolongation and the Diatonic Lattice (This link will NOT run any Applets).
BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) Clock
That was just to whet your "Appletite" for what's to come in the future!
The official Java Tutorial, from Sun Microsystems.
Download the latest Java Software Development Kit to write, compile, and run your programs.
The latest Java Plugin for your browser (to run applets).
HTML Code specifications for the Java Plugin (how to write the HTML tags that must be used for post 1.1 applets)
The Java Language Specification, from Sun
The Java Certification Headquarters
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© 2005 . The software and documents hyperlinked on this page are the intellectual property of Robert T. Kelley. All software Copyleft (GNU General Public License) 2000 - 2005 Robert T. Kelley. If you intend to use and/or modify my original code, I request the courtesy of notification of such use and a copy of your additions and modifications.