Scale Fingering Chart for Piano, Organ, or Electric Keyboard

Piano Scale Fingering Chart

Download the keyboard scale fingering chart as a PDF

General Keyboard Scale Fingering Rules

  1. The fingering always alternates 123 1234 (or 321 4321) so that the same fingering pattern repeats every octave.
  2. Only play your thumb on the white keys, never on black keys.
  3. Always play your fourth finger on a black key (when there is a black key to be played in the scale).
  4. Only play your fifth finger at a starting place, a stopping place, or a turning-around place.
  5. The augmented second in harmonic minor scales must fit conveniently under the hand (preferably between 1 and 2 or 2 and 3, except for the left hand of E♭/D♯ minor).
  6. When working out scale passages in real music, consider alternatives that align the fingering patterns between the hands. For example, try to make both thumbs play together somewhere in the scale.

The Fingering Chart

  1. These are just the fingering patterns: Feel free to use 5 when appropriate (first note, last note, turning around).
  2. This chart gives optimum keyboard scale fingerings, not the most-commonly taught traditional piano scale fingerings. You may wish to choose traditional scale fingerings instead, especially when performing the melodic minor scale ascending and descending.

Piano Scale Fingering Chart
Also see my keyboard arpeggio fingering chart.